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  Beginners | Rice | Maki Sushi | Nigiri Sushi | Sashimi




There are two major kinds of traditional Sushi:
Maki Sushi (Sushi rolls) and Nigiri Sushi (Rice balls topped with fish).

Nigiri Sushi is one of the classic Sushi styles. The basic for this Sushi is the sushi rice that is formed by hand into small oval rice balls. This rice ball is topped with some thin slices of fish. (Salmon, Tuna or Prawns). The following steps show how to make Nigiri Sushi.


cooked sushi rice, fish and wasabi paste

Where to buy:
• Asian grocers
• Online-Asian grocers (amazon)

Form rice balls (simple method)

 • First wet your hands with vinegar dissolved in water.
 • Use two tablespoons of rice for each Nigiri Sushi.
 • Roll the rice in your hands to a rice ball of 4 cm x 1,5 cm size.
 • Flatten the surface of the ball with your fingers.
 • Carefully spread a tiny amount of Wasabipaste onto the rice ball.
 • Then place the 2x5 cm sized fish on top of the rice ball and press gently.